If you find yourself in London on the 21st… [via JISC’s blog]

Developing International Collaboration for Digitisation: the JISC – National Endowment for Humanities perspective

In celebration of their transatlantic digitisation collaboration grants, JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) and the NEH (National Endowment for Humanities) are hosting an evening panel session looking at issues related to international digitisation. The evening will draw on the experiences of projects in the area and will also involve discussion to inform future directions.

Hosted by King’s College London. Monday 21st January, 5.30pm – 6.45pm (Room 2B08, Strand Campus)

Chaired by Sarah Porter, Head of Development, JISC, with presentations and commentary from:

  • Bruce Cole, Chairman, National Endowment for Humanities
  • Malcolm Read, Executive Secretary, JISC
  • Paul Ell, Director, The Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Robert K. Englund, Professor of Assyriology at the University of California and Director of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

The event is open to all. The evening will be followed by a wine reception for all attendees.

JISC and the NEH are grateful to the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at King’s College London for hosting the event.

Location: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/about/campuses/strand-det.html


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