Well, I missed it.

I started Misc. on March 14, after my brief attempt using blogger in Feb. Either way, it’s been over a year and after about 250 entries and over 500 comments, blogging still seems valuable to me. If anything, it has helped me keep in touch with friends, colleagues, and family as I’ve moved into a fulltime job, continued working on the dissertation, and joined the ranks of fatherhood.

For someone who used to hesitate before writing anything down – probably a product of getting busted by my mother for some youthful crimes (all relatively innocent) when she looked over a letter I left out (ah, the follies) – I’m pleased to note that writing feels more comfortable for me. In fact, I find myself wishing I had even more time to write, which is generally a good thing.

In any case, happy belated birthday to Misc. May you continue to be a random assortment of facts, follies, and vague claims (and unclear as to which is which).


6 Responses to Blogoversary

  1. chuck says:

    Happy blogaversary. Thanks again for taking the initiative to start the Herd.

  2. natalie says:

    Happy Anniversary, Mr. Miscellany!

  3. George says:

    Blog on, mighty shepherd!

  4. Matt K. says:

    Happy happy. And ditto what Chuck said.

  5. Jason says:

    Thanks everyone. And the Herd has been a pleasure.

  6. And happy belated to your belated.

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