June 24, 2003

Level Up Conference Fees

Well, I just looked at the conference registration fees for Level Up - the student rate of 80 euros (approx $92 US) is only for BA and MAs. The fees for PhD students - 250 euros (that's after joining DiGRA for 30 euros). That translates to about $290 US (plus the $40 or so for joining DiGRA).

The conference dinner is another 60 euros (around $70 US?) on top of that. So, total just for registration is around or just below $400?

I'm really curious - do PhD students make more in Europe than they do in the US? Does that seems to be a lot of money for conference fees to anyone else, or am I just behind the times? Do European PhD students get travel and conference funds?

I think we can apply for a one-time $300-400 travel grant in my Dept., but with those fees, that means all other expenses - airfare, hotel, food, etc - are straight out of pocket. Ikes.

Note: Realizing that tone of voice is difficult to discern at times, I am asking these questions with sincerity... I'm really curious what kind of support is offered to other grad students both in and out of the US.

Posted by Jason at June 24, 2003 9:38 AM | TrackBack

That's a lot of money, Jason! In addition to English Dept funds, check out the Goldhaber Travel Grant:

Posted by: George at June 24, 2003 10:35 AM | Permalink to Comment

i know this isn't the right place to post this comment but i'm not sure if you read comments regarding posts that were posted so far in the past.

i want to post to deliver you a RETROACTIVE PUNK AWARD jason.

a while ago you mentioned that you downloaded the new radiohead and looked forward to listening to it. and then, i think, you were silent.


it is an amazing work of art. it is, i would say, the best piece of post-911 art and certainly the most beautiful piece post 9-11, that we have seen to date. amazing, confusing, confused, bitter, pissed, hopeful, brave: it is art.


Posted by: dms at June 24, 2003 1:37 PM | Permalink to Comment


I am an incoming PhD in Digital Studies student at UMD who lives in Buffalo, about an hour outside of Toronto (usually less). I am actually going home that weekend and, if you need a ride and place to crash, I can accomodate assuming, of course, that neither of us finds the other particularly, um, irritating. Anyways, I sent you an email about the GEO. Use that address to reply if you're interested.

Posted by: MNR at June 24, 2003 2:02 PM | Permalink to Comment

David - you are right. i am, retroactively and proactively, a punk ;) Are you already in the Netherlands? And yes, thanks to the handy bit over to the right, I see all recent comments, even if they are on old posts….

Marc - Thanks for the offer - and welcome to UMD! I’ll get back to you on email shortly, although I warn you - I'm especially irritating ;)

Posted by: Jason at June 24, 2003 2:24 PM | Permalink to Comment

And David - did you *read* the comments after my radiohead post?!? It kept the 8/10 on the rhody-rad-o-meter...

Once I get to a record store, I want to buy the album, to hear the richer tones...

Posted by: Jason at June 24, 2003 2:26 PM | Permalink to Comment

retroactively and proactively and FUTURACTIVELY.

er, ok, i didn't see the 8/10 rating BUT THAT STILL MAKES YOU A PUNK. that disk is a 10 my friend.

dig it: it's the only album i've heard 10-15 times and still have no idea what the songs sound like. it is truly an amnesic album. and that is good. it mirrors the landscape of the USA: all forgetting.

iole and i bail for amsterdam july 15th. two months there and italy.

Posted by: dms at June 24, 2003 3:29 PM | Permalink to Comment

Lucky bastard. Have fun - where in Italy?

I agree on the album - and oddly, I've never thought amnesia as aesthetic before - always more an anesthetic – but perhaps it is both… Either way, I need to get back to listening - I've honestly been limiting myself to NPR lately and I think I just need to groove ;)

I heard you were in town, by the way, but I won't slap you with a fine, since it sounds like it was a shortshort visit. Punk.

Posted by: Jason at June 24, 2003 3:49 PM | Permalink to Comment


i was indeed in dc, for about 36 hours for a meeting. sorry we couldn't see each other. is it me, or has dc turned into HELL? it's quite a spectacle to see a city of republicans, but it's quite another to see a city of young republicans and simply unbearable to see a city of young, CONFIDENT, AND GLOATING republicans. i'm not joking. i found it terribly depressing. i know that blogs, esp academic blogs, aren't exactly safe spaces for emotions, but damn, my quickie with the district was sort of miserably depressing.

on a much brighter note, iole and i will spend most of our italy time touring all over the place, her favorite cities and towns, rome of course, and a slice of heaven called Civita di Bagnoregio (pop. 9).

Posted by: dms at June 24, 2003 7:31 PM | Permalink to Comment
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