September 29, 2005

NEH @ 40

The National Endowment for the Humanities turns 40 today. L and I will be attending the celebration held at the National Gallery of Art tonight. Happy Anniversary, and here's hoping that our budget stays secure.

Posted by Jason at September 29, 2005 3:36 PM | TrackBack

Here's hoping, eh? Congratulations, thank you for all the work, and good luck as NEH moves forward.

Posted by: vika at September 29, 2005 5:13 PM | Permalink to Comment

Thanks Vika. The people here - especially those who have logged 15, 20, or even 30 years of service (and there are several) - are quite amazing. And it's a hoot to watch the grant machine in action ;-)

Posted by: Jason at September 29, 2005 5:27 PM | Permalink to Comment
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