April 21, 2006

Taking Games Seriously: The Impact of Gaming Technology in the Humanities

Taking Games Seriously: The Impact of Gaming Technology in the Humanities
Monday, May 15th from 4-6pm
McShain Lounge/McCarthy Hall, Georgetown University
NOTE: NEW LOCATION; SEE NEW DIRECTIONS BELOW (and no, I'm not sure what a "Car Barn" is either).
***New Location: Car Barn 316, 3520 Prospect St. NW, near Georgetown University***

Overview and Participants:
Please join Michelle Lucey-Roper (Federation for American Scientists) and Jason Rhody (National Endowment for the Humanities) for a discussion moderated by Mark Sample (George Mason University) on gaming and the humanities. Discussion will center on gaming and its implications for education; thinking about ways to exploit aspects of video game technology to create innovative learning spaces; and games as a possible conduit to online archives or museum collections.

Panelist: Michelle Lucey-Roper is the Learning Technologies Project Manager for the Discover Babylon Project and the Digital Promise Project at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) in Washington, DC. She has created and managed several technology projects and research initiatives that helped to improve public access to primary source materials. While working towards her doctorate on the interaction of word and image, Lucey-Roper researched and designed curricula for a wide range of subject areas and created new information resources. Before joining FAS, she worked as a librarian, teacher and most recently at the Library of Congress as a research associate. She earned her B.A. at Trinity College, Hartford, CT; her M.A at King's College, London; and received a doctorate from Oxford University.

Panelist: Jason Rhody, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of English at the University of Maryland, is currently writing his dissertation, entitled Game Fiction. He has taught courses and given conference presentations on new media, electronic literature, and narrative. He currently works on a web-based education initiative, EDSITEment (http://edsitement.neh.gov), for the National Endowment for the Humanities. He previously worked for the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (http://www.mith.umd.edu), an institute dedicated to using technology to enable humanities research and teaching. Jason writes about games and literature on his blog, Miscellany is the Largest Category (http://misc.wordherders.net).

Moderator: Mark Sample teaches and researches both contemporary American literature and New Media/Digital Culture, and he is always exploring how literary texts interact with, critique, and rework visual and media texts. His current research projects include a book manuscript on the early fiction of Don DeLillo and Toni Morrison, exploring their engagement with consumer culture, particularly how they use what Walter Benjamin calls "dialectical images" to reveal the latent violence of everyday things. Another project concerns the interplay between video games, the War on Terror, and the production of knowledge. Professor Sample received an M.A. in Communication, Culture, and Technology from Georgetown University (1998) and his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania (2004).

The forum will be held on Monday, May 15th from 4pm to 6pm in McShain Lounge in McCarthy Hall on Georgetown's campus. There will be an informal dinner after the forum, at a cost of $10 per person.
You must RSVP for dinner by May 8th: http://www.zoomerang.com/survey.zgi?p=WEB2258KRECKFV

1) Directions to campus: http://otm.georgetown.edu/index.cfm?fuse=directions
2) Parking options adjacent to the Car Barn: Parking options Street parking around campus is severely limited and strictly enforced by the DC police (MPD) and the DC Department of Public Works (DPW). Most streets require a Zone 2 residential permit issued by the District of Columbia for parking for longer than two hours. A limited number of metered spaces are available on Reservoir Road, 37th Street and Prospect Street. For those up for a short walk, the Southwest Garage is accessible from Canal Road or Prospect St.
3) Map to the Car Barn: http://explore.georgetown.edu/locations/index.cfm?Action=View&LocationID=76
4) The nearest metro station is Rosslyn, across Key Bridge.

About the Forum:
Co-sponsored by the Center for New Designs in Learning & Scholarship (CNDLS-- http://cndls.georgetown.edu) at Georgetown University and George Mason University's Center for History and New Media (CHNM -- http://chnm.georgetown.edu), the DC Area Technology & Humanities Forum explores important issues in humanities computing and provides an opportunity for DC area scholars interested in the uses of new technology in the humanities to meet and get acquainted.

For more information, contact Susannah McGowan, CNDLS, sm256 AT georgetown DOT edu

Posted by Jason at 6:44 AM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

April 3, 2006

Gathering of the Herders

Gathering of the Herders
Originally uploaded by Jason R.
Several of us met at the National Gallery of Art East Wing a few weekends ago to take in the Ballet Mechanique and the Dada exhibit. A few pictures are available on Flickr. Not pictured: me, MattK, Kari.

Overall, the performance was quite impressive - I wish I had recorded it. Much more ... harmonious...than I expected.

More pictures here.
Posted by Jason at 5:59 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack