Dear kind reader,
If you perhaps have a copy of the Oxford History of Board Games, which is already (apparently) out of print, and only available through fine booksellers online for between $100 and $400 (slightly beyond my humble budget), and is not available through my entire library system for retrieval, I might wonder if you would be ever so kind as to look through the pages of your (apparently) valuable tome to see how much - if at all - said book describes the history of Cluedo (Clue), published by Waddington Games and Parker Brothers?
I would be much obliged.
Humbly, etc etc.
JR (in the Library, with the Rope).
UPDATE: Jesper kindly sent a scan of the page. Many thanks to those who emailed.
Posted by Jason at March 30, 2006 6:37 AM | TrackBack