URLs available where appropriate, forthcoming books have dates in (parentheses). This isn't meant to be a comprehensive list; hopefully one day I'll post a full bibliography. Oh, and don't expect an order. There is none currently.
First Person New Media as Story, Performance, and Game
Edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Pat Harrigan
(November 2003)
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals
Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman
(October 2003)
Eloquent Images: Word and Image in the Age of New Media
Edited by Mary E. Hocks and Michelle R. Kendrick
June 2003
Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction
Nick Montfort
(January 2004)
The Video Game Theory Reader
edited by Mark J. P. Wolf , Bernard Perron
(August 2003)
ScreenPlay: cinema/videogames/interfaces
Edited by Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska
Dec. 2002
Video Games: A Popular Culture Phenomenon
Arthur Asa Berger
Transaction Publishers - October 2001
Handbook of Computer Game Studies
Goldstein and Raessens, eds.
MIT Press (Forthcoming)
Understanding Digital Games
Bryce & Rutter, eds.
Sage (Forthcoming)
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-element in Culture
by Johan Huizinga
Routledge, 1980
Man, Play, and Games (2001 reprint of 1961 edition)
Roger Caillois, Meyer Barash (Translator)
Digital Play
Stephen Kline, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Greig de Peuter
McGill-Queen's University Press - June 2003
Video Game Bible,1985 - 2002
Andy Slaven
Trafford Publishing, July 2002
What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literracy
James Paul Gee
Palgrave Macmillan, April 2003
Game On (based on the Barbican exhibit)
Lucien King
Universe Books, August 2002